Friday 7 October 2011

Description of my groups ideas for the preliminary task.

One idea was to make it about gangsta's and gangs. we were going to mock them by mimicking them.
After a group discussion we decided to do a mock western one instead. this is because it was easier and funnier to put in all the camera angles such as shot reverse shot and match on action. theres so much more to do in a mock western rather than a mock gangsta movie. if we had done a gansta one it wouldnt of made sense to do so much within two minutes because after watching them and studying whether its a good idea all of them tend to be very slow whereas a mock western is quick and funny therefore would make sense if we did so much to show off our skills

we know we need to include a person walking through a door. this will be when the villain walks through the door with the girl and at the end when the hero walks through the door with the girl to save her. we will be doing the 180 degree rule throughout the film so people watching dont get confused about where they are from the origional camera shot.

AS media studies.

My name is Jordan Kenneally and this is the start of media studies coursework.